Monday, August 4, 2014

1/100 No Grade Daghi-Iris WIP Part 01

This has been coming together slowly and the Daghi-Iris is the second kit i'm building along the line of  the old No Grade F91 Kits. I plan on completing the whole line of kits from this specific series just to have finished and in my collection. I hope to progress gradually during this process 'cause i know that i will be doing other projects during this time too so it may be a few years before i complete the whole set. Hopefully most of you will bear with me. If you don't know what the Daghi Iris is, It's this one:

Assembled it's not all to wonderful to look at either. But i think that these kits were made to be painted. The detail on these things are not too shabby but there's plenty of seam lines to clean up YAY!!!

So as you can see there's plenty of work to do here so lets get started.
Starting with the feet i hacked it up pretty good but did some emphasis using plaplate where i thought didn't look too great on the mold and continued on...

Some things i did notice i could have just simply scribed lines around and made them pop out like the back exhaust vent on the back foot. I figured that out later but eh, mistakes will be made for a newb like me. Here's some other mods i did on the rest of the kit. This being really my first modded kit, there were room for mistakes so i suggest keeping the old rule of "Keep it Simple". At least for now.

All the white on the parts are the modded parts. All the parts of the kit i scribed in the corners to add more depth. Hopefully the painting process (Which will be in the next WIP) will show all the modding i did as satifactory. Wish me luck!!!